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The e-commerce.

Is this an oscommerce problem or hosting problem?


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I am hoping someone can help me.


I've had my oscommerce site for about two years now. I have experienced on going problems. For example, when someone accesses the site, if they click on a button the page will do nothing and you will see done at the lower left hand side. But the page will not change. They also get error messages about my sql on and off. Sometimes during the checkout, when you click continue it will just time out.


I've emailed the hosting company over and over to be told there is nothing wrong. I have several emails from cutomers a month telling me my site is down.


Is this an oscommerce problem or hosting problem? Thanks for your help.

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I doubt it's either.


More likely to be the person who set the site up, but without specific error messages it's impossible to bebug.

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