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I destroyed the code of my index page


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:'( I did something not very intelligent. On my index page as I was trying to customize it, i changed the code and saved it by accident. now my osc index pages reloads automatically with 2 products in my cart. How do I fix this.


Thanks for all of your help!

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Not sure I understand what you mean tbh.


You changed catalog/index.php?


now my osc index pages reloads automatically with 2 products in my cart.


Well it would if you have products in your cart and you were/are logged in.


Are you talking about not logged in (guest) if so have you tried killing all open browser windows THEN going to the site?


Bit confused tbh.

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Thank you Baby Gurlgles for attempting to answer my confusing question! :rolleyes:


I had just installed everything and was trying to customize but I played around and put the 'bogus' items in my cart and accidently saved that page as the index. I figured it out though by uninstalling os and reinstalling it. I have to start customizing all over again but I didn't get that far anyway.


Thanks again ;)

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Thank you Baby Gurlgles for attempting to answer my confusing question! :rolleyes:


I had just installed everything and was trying to customize but I played around and put the 'bogus' items in my cart and accidently saved that page as the index. I figured it out though by uninstalling os and reinstalling it. I have to start customizing all over again but I didn't get that far anyway.


Thanks again ;)

Requests for help should go in the correct forum. Please post only tips or tricks here.

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Requests for help should go in the correct forum. Please post only tips or tricks here.

Sorry! I'm in the wrong forum; not you.


To fix your problem use a file comparison program to view the differences between your messed up index.php and the original one from a fresh install.

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