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The e-commerce.

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OK... there are 2,000 script modules available!

I have a store I want to set up and I'm wondering, given the amount of mods availabe, how would YOU go about it?


The store I want to set up requires THESE parameters.


The store will sell large amounts of low-cost items from between 20 to 127 companies.

I would like to make a $1.00 handling charge on each item.

There is NO shipping needed.


I would like each of my companies to be able to log in and make changes to their own products... OR... allow the companies the ability to log in to THEIR account to be able to pull reports based upon what they sold.


Payment should be done one of tw ways.


1. The company gets paid directly and the handling charge is routed to me

2. I get all the money and at the end of the month I cut the company a check.


I'm not sure if this is possible.


I'm interested in yur ideas.

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I tried OSCMall and was expecting that it would do what I needed... alas, it did not.


Apparently the only way to have multiple vendors is to sell them "vendor accounts".


I don't want to sell vendor accounts... I just want to do a $1 charge on all the items they sell.


I have 20 vendors ready to go... but this is killing me!

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Is it possible to have an admin who can just look at a certain manufacturer or does an admin have to have access to all the settings across the board?

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You could add and modify an admin login contribution, add a table vendors to the db and add a field vendor_id to the products table. In admin/categories.php modify the code so only products are shown and editable by the vendor which is logged in. You could show / hide the admin functions based on vendor code (you as master vendor will have access to all).


Something similar as with the categories.php you could apply to the admin/stats_products_purchased.php


For the payments I would go for your second option, otherwise it would get really complicated...

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That sounds like what I would like to do... but alas... not being a "coder" myself, I might as well try to write it in ancient arabic cause I would get the same results.



Might you be able to give me (in simple idiot-proof terms) an idea of how to do it?


I would be in your debt.

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hmm.. I'm trying something similar, although I don't need seperate admin panels..

I'm desperatly trying to figure out how to set payments so they go into seperate bank accounts depending on the manufacturer of the purchased item...


Problem is if someone buys several items from different manufacturers though.

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Alas... it appears that my solution has since disappeared.


Is there anyone who can walk me through the steps to get this done? :mellow:

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Few "coders" would undertake such a project - key word here being project, sans compensation. A simple walk through would likely not suffice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would be willing to pay a coder to help me out... but it depends on the amount.


If anyone is interested... contact me.

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I have thought about this before...having many stores under one domain name...The simplist and quickest method that I would take would be to have a front end oscommerce

setup strip out everything that you don't need in this oscommerce...Use the catalog as stores instead of catalogs...modify the code which would be easy, when they click a catalog

on the left it would take them to another oscommerce setup in the same directory...So you

would have a seperate configure.php for each store pointing to their own database...They would have their own admin as well...Their would be no mixup...and no other vendor could

get into any others admin...I can point you to the front end php program to change...

I hope this helps.



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I have thought about this before...having many stores under one domain name...The simplist and quickest method that I would take would be to have a front end oscommerce

setup strip out everything that you don't need in this oscommerce...Use the catalog as stores instead of catalogs...modify the code which would be easy, when they click a catalog

on the left it would take them to another oscommerce setup in the same directory...So you

would have a seperate configure.php for each store pointing to their own database...They would have their own admin as well...Their would be no mixup...and no other vendor could

get into any others admin...I can point you to the front end php program to change...

I hope this helps.




WOW... that sounds like a TON of work!


OK... here is the entire scope of the project as I would LOVE to see it work!


I will have WELL over 25 companies selling very low-cost product on my shop but these are companies that do not have the ability as of yet to provide the service.

I would like for these companies to be able to access their own account, upload their own product, make changes as need be and essentially run their own store.

Upon checkout one of two things need to happen.


They purchase an item for $7, that money will go directly to the company while a $1 up charge (PER ITEM... not per order!). The up-charge ONLY will go directly to me. (Two separate accounts!)

If that is impossible, than I would charge $7 with a $1 up-charge which would go into my account and at the end of the month, I would need to cut the various companies checks, pr transfer through PayPal.


SOOOO... any takers?


Any bids? :)

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Did that make sense at all?


If I can't have them running / managing their own accounts... I at least need to be able to allow them to get reporting which sees how much they have sold that day.

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you can have all of the items you want but you need to know php/mysql and to know what contributions to use in order to accellerate this process. Here is another post which discusses different accounts requirements:



Now at the top of it add the various reports you want to generate per vendor, other details and is quite a complex task.

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I'm not sure about the seperate admin panels, but I'm currently writting a contrib to allow payment into seperate bank accounts depending on the manufacturer of the items used. It will basically go through each item, check the manufgacturer and add them to an array, which will then be sent through paypal.

On my store I've got different people selling things which they'll get the money for, so this way it will go into their accounts instead of mine. I'm just waiting for my paypal sandbox account to be activated (paypal are having problems with it at the moment), then I can test and finish the code.


If you want I'll let you all know when it's done.

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