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Continue button after checkout stays in SSL


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Wondered if anyone could help me, I have recently reinstalled OScommerce but the continue after the order confirmation which should point to a HTTP index.php is pointing to the HTTPS index resulting in a 404.


Where is the link to the page? I have had a look about but am fearful to edit.


Thanks in advance!

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I read this back afterwards and didn't think it was clear enough.


After a customer shops on my website, which includes SSL for the checkout..... the final page of checkout has a button that is labeled Continue. This formally directed the user back to index.php. It is now however trying to redirect them to the index.php while still secure and with the HTTPS prefix.


There is no page at that address and the a 404 page comes up.


The entire sale is complete but leaves the customer in a position of not knowing or trusting the security of the website or our personal integrity.


Could someone let me know what I need to change to get this back to normal? I am unaware of doing anything to cause this.


Without a reply I guess I could remove the button leaving the customer on the final page of checkout but would rather not.


Other than this button all other links on the page are correct and allow the customer to continue.


Thanks again and sorry for effectively double posting.

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