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The e-commerce.

Error - Unable to determine the page link!


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I just installed OSCommerce and everything went smoothly until I added my first product and got an error. It is all blank where the product should be displayed and at the bottom it says "Unable to determine the page link!". When I click the image of the product in the "What's New" box (left side) I can view the product no problem. Anyone know what's wrong? The URL is http://regal.andrewtite.com. Thanks in advance.

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This error also occurs when upgrading to php5 from php 4. There are several deprecated server variables that need to be replaced in old installations before they will work with php5:







Download your whole site & use a text editor to find and replace these variables. These unsupported variables can also cause the following problems:


Broken links

Broken forms

Broken carts etc.


.. basically any file/page that relies on information being passed to it will fail on php 5 without these changes. I assume this is all dealt with in later versions of oscommerce..?

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