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The e-commerce.

how do I find a host that uses osCcommerce


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I want to set up a small business store using osCommerce for the store but don't know where to look for a host/server that is reasonably priced and uses osCommerce. I am disabled, home bound and not that computer savy. I have about 3000 items to list with about 3 to 7 pictures of each item. I just want to be able to make some extra money so I can eat and get my medicine every month. Can anyone tell me where to look for this information? Thank you!

"I would rather walk with God in the dark, than go alone in the light"

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use the search engines, but use keywords related with the packages you need to run oscommerce. ie php5 mysql5, apache, linux, phpmyadmin, dedicated, shared, ssl etc. So you will find hosts that provide the necessary layers to run oscommerce. Besides you need to use the oscommerce from here:



so don't rely on the host for this. Even if they have it it may be outdated. You need to use the latest version.

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