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Check/Money Order


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I am experiencing a problem where a customer has placed an order, which was confirmed as he mailed the order confirmation page to me with his payment, but the order was not written to the orders database. I have received other customer orders that paid either with the generic Credit Card or the PayPal IPN payment modules that did write to the database. I didn't know the order was placed until I received the payment and order confirmation page from the customer. I would appreciate any suggestions or if there is a know error and fix for this problem. Thanks.



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I am experiencing a problem where a customer has placed an order, which was confirmed as he mailed the order confirmation page to me with his payment, but the order was not written to the orders database. I have received other customer orders that paid either with the generic Credit Card or the PayPal IPN payment modules that did write to the database. I didn't know the order was placed until I received the payment and order confirmation page from the customer. I would appreciate any suggestions or if there is a know error and fix for this problem. Thanks.




The problem is resolved. It was apparently related to file permissions that had become messed up by the hosting service. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
The problem is resolved. It was apparently related to file permissions that had become messed up by the hosting service. :thumbsup:


Could you be more specific? Permissions where (which files/directories), and what did you have to set them to?

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