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Let me know if this is possible re: Google Checkout


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I would like to use Google Checkout to process some of my transactions, but I have had zero luck getting the official contribution to work. What I would like to do is have a payment module that will process an order similar to a check/money order payment, but then I can send a manual Google invoice to the customer and have them pay that way. Is this possible? Is there an existing contribution that will do this? If not, how could I modify an existing check/money order or the COD module to work the way I want this to work? Thanks in advance! :)


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I guess just copy the check/money order files and then change the text of what its called.

This is an interesting idea.



I would also like to see the Google checkout appear as a Payment Option instead of TWO checkout buttons.


The current contribution I'm using puts up two checkout buttons on the Shopping Cart and if you press the

standard Oscommerce Checkout button, the Google checkout doesn't appear on the list of payment options.


Is this the way everyone else has it working ?? Am I using the latest release ??


Ideally I want one checkout button and then payment options of Paypal, Google, etc on the normal

payments option screen. This would be much smoother for the client.





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