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The e-commerce.

Implementation Questions?


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Good afternoon, all --


I'm new to the osCommerce package, and just beginning to set it up for the website of my employer. While looking it over, my ISP offered to sell me their shopping cart, for a total price between $500 and $700. I took a look at their demo and -- lo and behold! -- it's osCommerce.


This morning the ISP suggested that before I use osCommerce, I hire someone to "secure" the program for me. They claimed that the free version has (and I quote) "some serious bugs" and "it's full of security holes." They felt it necessary to rewrite major sections and patch it extensively before use.


So, I'd like to put the question out there to all of you who know the program, write it, and work with it. Are these assessments correct? Bugs, flaws & security holes? Have you found it necessary to make major modifications on your own, or have you hired someone to support it? If so, how much would you estimate you've spent on making it work?


I'll hope to hear from some of you about your experiences with osC. Thanks so much!




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Absolute rubbish!!


They are just trying to get you to pay for their version.


Make sure you upload the latest version of osC FROM HERE and you'll be just fine.

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