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Payment module HELP!

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I just posted this in the contributions in hope for some help to make it functionable. Once key thing that I am looking for, that is built into the standard OSC Credit Card Module, which this contribution wants you to uninstall is writing the first 4 and last 4 credit card digits to the data base and the option of emailing me the 8 middle digits, in the event of a problem so that I have the full credit card number to process via virtual terminal if need be. I also have at least one contribution installed into the standard OSC credit card module that I would have to some how modify into this for it to work, which is the Indiv. Ship module, although that part I think I might be able to make functionable.


Any of the coding geniuses here that could help make this work it would be greatly appreciated. Ideally if this code could somehow be integrated into the current credit card module installation on Osc Admin instead of a stand alone additional module would be a HUGE bonus! I have a total of 15 days to be complaint and have my shop live and functioning with their software installed or they will cancel my merchant account, today is day 1.


They did also provide me another module, but it is a generic module and not OSC specific, if that module might be easier to work with, please let me know and I would be happy to provide that code as well.


Thanks so VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY much to all those who can help me!!



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