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Coding Image directory for Excel Import 1.51


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I swear I'm taking the first PHP class I can find....


i'm using Excel Import 1.51 to upload my products. Everything is setup to upload my files, except I need to finish coding the excel.php file. I probably could do this if I had better knowledge of PHP (any suggestions on a "PHP for Dummies" type deal, wait, maybe I'll just find that book!), but I don't and i really don't feel like screwing up an entire file because of some stupid error.




Here's the line I ned to edit:


$v_products_image			= /* "store/".$items[0]."/".*/ $items[6];//store/Manufacturere_name/products_image        


I am not using the manufacturers of my items (don't want my customers going upstream!) but I do want to use another file to keep all of my images together. there are MANY files in the default folder and I'd like to keep all of the images in a seperate one for sake of my sanity.


Is it as simple as changing "Manufacturere_name" to the new folder? If it is, can someone explain to me what the rest of the line means?


And if it's not, what needs to be done? We'll call the new folder "cat_images".


Also, besides the File Manager editor, what is a good yet inexpensive (or better yet free!) PHP editor? I am running on someone else's budget and things like that are a luxury they don't like to afford me.


Thanks for the help....

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