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migration tool? migration HOWTO?


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This topic seems to get rehashed with some frequency so I apologize for adding to the churn. I have looked, but other than forum comments I have not found an official tool or procedure for migrating an osc server installation to another server. Given the popularity of osc and the volume of comments on this subject this seems a little odd.


By "tool" I mean a standalone utility that exports installation specific data (a la "mysqldump" for instance) into a file that can subsequently be used for import on a new osc installation. Such a tool/utility should not have dependencies on any other configuration software such as Cpanel, etc., i.e. it should be a self contained cross platform tool.


In the absence of such a tool it would helpful to have a step by step procedure enumerated in a guide or howto document. The forum admins might want to create a "sticky" post containing reference to this document so that new visitors can quickly find it without having to ask or wade through the many posts. Ideally the document should be the official osc documentation itself, but while the migration info is under review it could be a separate document for the time being.


Thanks for listening.

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