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The e-commerce.

Quote base system


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Boss wants something different once again and I've checked around and found a possible answer but I figure I'll check this way in case there's something new I might be able to try.


Now, instead of a straight credit card payment and online buying system, I would like to make it into a quote base system. The user will add their requested items into a cart, and I will receive an e-mail and then give them a quote for the pricing.


I've seen the option to modify the money order page requests, but am wondering how they would pay for the items once the quotes went through, would I have to set up a POS system here to take the credit card orders manually or is there a way to incorporate that as well?


Thanks for the help

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Boss wants something different once again and I've checked around and found a possible answer but I figure I'll check this way in case there's something new I might be able to try.


Now, instead of a straight credit card payment and online buying system, I would like to make it into a quote base system. The user will add their requested items into a cart, and I will receive an e-mail and then give them a quote for the pricing.


I've seen the option to modify the money order page requests, but am wondering how they would pay for the items once the quotes went through, would I have to set up a POS system here to take the credit card orders manually or is there a way to incorporate that as well?


Thanks for the help


Sounds like you don't need any help from the forum at all! Go a-huntin in the contribs! It's what the lesser mortals do about here!

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Yeah, I've been looking, but nothing quite what I had in mind, but they might help. I am still in need of information on how the person would pay say through credit card would do so without having to call in or email their information which would jeopardize security.


We could limit it to an on-site POS system that they would have to call in to confirm the order, but that would be a pain and require more manpower that cannot be provided with as of right now.

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