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SPPC Product Attributes

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Is there a way in the Separate Pricing Per Customer contribution that I can assign two different prices to a specific product attribute? For instance, I want to offer a small and a large version of a single product. With product attributes, I can add a certain ammount to charge as an add-on price for the large. I want to be able to charge a smaller add-on fee for my wholesale customers (which I have given access to a separate price set via SPPC). How can I make this happen? I really don't want separate the attributes into different products.

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Is there a way in the Separate Pricing Per Customer contribution that I can assign two different prices to a specific product attribute? For instance, I want to offer a small and a large version of a single product. With product attributes, I can add a certain ammount to charge as an add-on price for the large. I want to be able to charge a smaller add-on fee for my wholesale customers (which I have given access to a separate price set via SPPC). How can I make this happen? I really don't want separate the attributes into different products.

You seem to overlook things.

A. there is a thread for questions related to the SPPC contribution

B. this was added as a mod for SPPC, use the SPPC attributes mod rev. 1 and check the thread for two problems you might encounter (a MySQL error due to version 4, the code works fine in version 5 and a missing SAVE button if you use IE [ due to a html error]).

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have a problem with the attributes prices. I have entered seperate prices for one group, but they are not displayed on the product_detail page.

Let me be the first to ask the obvious: did you add the necessary changes to the product_info page or did you add custom code for the attributes to that page (option type feature perhaps?).

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First I installed SPPC 4.15 then I made all the changes form the SPPC-attribute-contrib



I know the problem yet but don't know to correct it:


in file product_info.php:


!tep_session_is_registered('sppc_customer_group_id') = false ==> $customer_group_id = '0',


Why that? Where do I have to look to correct this??

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I know the problem yet but don't know to correct it:


in file product_info.php:


!tep_session_is_registered('sppc_customer_group_id') = false ==> $customer_group_id = '0',


Why that? Where do I have to look to correct this??

What is the problem with that? I don't get it.

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Customer X is logged in. For his group are defined seperate prices which the page should show.

But $customer_group_id = '0', and so the "normal" prices are shown.

When customer x logs in (login.php) his/her customer group id is added to the session variables (in this case sppc_customer_group_id). Check with:

echo '<pre>';

If you don't see that, something is wrong with login.php most likely.

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When customer x logs in (login.php) his/her customer group id is added to the session variables (in this case sppc_customer_group_id). Check with:
echo '<pre>';

If you don't see that, something is wrong with login.php most likely.



Sorry, I was a little bit supid and overwrote the changes in the login.php...

now it works!


But is this normal, that the customer can select the group by hisself when he logs in?

Can I change this?

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But is this normal, that the customer can select the group by hisself when he logs in?

Can I change this?

You must have been in a hurry when you added this contribution ;)

From the install instructions:


Line 4

$Id: login.php,v 1.14 2003/06/09 22:46:46 hpdl Exp $

adapted for Separate Pricing Per Customer 2005/02/15

Line 27

define('TEXT_VISITORS_CART', '<font color="#ff0000"><b>Note:</b></font> Your "Visitors Cart" contents will be merged with your "Members Cart" contents once you have logged on. <a href="java script:session_win();">[More Info]</a>');

// BOF Separate Pricing Per Customer
// define the email address that can change customer_group_id on login
define('SPPC_TOGGLE_LOGIN_PASSWORD', 'root@localhost');
// EOF Separate Pricing Per Customer

**TIP:** The above root@localhost entry should be replaced with the site Admin's email address. This enables him to log-in as a member of each group for testing purposes. This email address must be defined in the osC Admin section called Configuration.

So only the site admin gets confronted with this choice. Saves you from having to have different accounts (and different email addresses) to login as a different group.

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You must have been in a hurry when you added this contribution ;)



Perhaps, and obviously I was in a hurry to test... I tested it with the admin-mail ;-)

With a "normal" account does it work :-)

Thanks for your help!

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Ok, I have one more question:

is it possible to include this contribution in easypopultae?

I bet it can (I know SPPC has been used in combination with EP) but personally I can't tell you how because I have never used easy populate.

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