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Fatal error!! please help


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Hi there


I have a problem on my index.php page

this error comes up



Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_output_warning() in /home/theroo/public_html/qttoysonline/includes/header.php on line 23


line 23 on my header.php page reads


if ( (file_exists(dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/includes/configure.php')) && (is_writeable(dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/includes/configure.php')) ) {



what does this mean?


the odd thing is that one day (before this it was all working) the page had an error that said : register globals is off, needs to be on, so i put a php.ini file that has 'register_globals = on' in. But then the above 'fatal error' omes up.


can someone please help me with this? thanks

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This probably means you host suddenly decided on a Monday morning :) to turn off register globals without informing you, and you are not allowed to turn it back on by using the php.ini. You probably beed to talk to your host or switch hosts.



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Is yours a very old version of osC or something?


tep_output_warning() doesn't exist in the current release.

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Is yours a very old version of osC or something?


tep_output_warning() doesn't exist in the current release.


if i use fantastico to update the version, what will happen to all the modding i did? will it all be removed? i did a crazy amount of modding which i cannot remember now! it was a year plus ago!


Ken - the register globals using php.ini works i think!

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Sadly I'd imagine that you would lose your mods and there would be other issues.


Someone with more knowledge of the older versions will have to help here.


If it were me, I'd set up a local pc server ..


Download the old site ..


Set up a fresh new osCommerce from here (Not Fantastico) and rebuild it locally until it worked well .. then replace the old site.

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