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MySQL syntax error help needed


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Thanks in advance for the help in resolving this syntax error. We are currently running MySQL 4.1.21 and are getting the below SQL error running one of our recently updated contributions, Links Manager For OSC v0.20. This error just came about with the latest release of this contribution on April 7, 2006 and never occurred prior. Please take a look at the below error and any suggestions you could provide to fix this error would be helpful.


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ';",)`' OR l.links_url = 'http://' OR l.links_reciprocal_url = 'http://' ) AND la' at line 1

select l.links_id, l.links_url, l.links_reciprocal_url, ld.links_id, ld.links_title from links l, links_description ld where l.links_id = ld.links_id AND (ld.links_title = 'x';",)`' OR l.links_url = 'http://' OR l.links_reciprocal_url = 'http://' ) AND language_id = '1'


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By the look of it, the error stands: what is this bit ;",)` for? It probably needs to be deleted so that it looks like (ld.links_title = 'x' OR .... It all depends on what logic you are going to follow in the where clause.



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