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The e-commerce.

instalation problem


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I have installed php5,mysql5,apache2.2.4 all working fine.

Now when i try to install oscommerce it asks for a username and pwd for database, so i created a username and pwd in mysql.


But while installing oscommerce i enter the details like database name,username,pwd next

a screen like Database Import but nothing after that i mean, it should tell whether

"A test connection made to database was successful" or "not successful"


It gets redirected to next Database import but nothing is seen after that........

Hope its clear...

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I have installed php5,mysql5,apache2.2.4 all working fine.

Now when i try to install oscommerce it asks for a username and pwd for database, so i created a username and pwd in mysql.


But while installing oscommerce i enter the details like database name,username,pwd next

a screen like Database Import but nothing after that i mean, it should tell whether

"A test connection made to database was successful" or "not successful"


It gets redirected to next Database import but nothing is seen after that........

Hope its clear...


Install oscommerce manually. Don't go through the installation procedure. Extract the files into the oscommerce folder, import the oscommerce.sql using phpmyadmin, change/edit the configure.php files to match the server settings.


You don't have to downgrade it.

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i did get this step- import the oscommerce.sql using phpmyadmin

tell me exactly exact location....



Install oscommerce manually. Don't go through the installation procedure. Extract the files into the oscommerce folder, import the oscommerce.sql using phpmyadmin, change/edit the configure.php files to match the server settings.


You don't have to downgrade it.

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