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The e-commerce.

Was wondering about auctioneering software. Can osCommerce do it?


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I need a few questions answered about osCommerce. I have a few criteria for a model that we need implemented and was wondering if osCommerce is able to be "molded" into what we need.


As I stated in the topic. This will be an auctioning site. Very similar to eBay.


My criteria are as follows.


Private/Public messaging between users.

Possibly ratings like eBay has. (Good, Average, Bad) and why.

Ability to list items each user has for sale.

Good search ability so that users can find items that they are looking for.

The ability to use PayPal Pro for us to accept payments and standard PayPal for users to pay us.

Nice user GUI/Layout.



Basically. I'm looking for something similar to eBay in terms of usability, looks, navigation & functionality.




Thanks for the help!

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