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water marking images as uploaded

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I am attempting to add code into my store to watermark images as they are uploaded.


I have looked at the "on the fly watermarking" system which appears to add a watermark when an

image is going to be viewed, but a non-watermarked version is stored on the site. The nature of

our store is "one of a kind" items and collectables which have varying conditions. We deal in high

grade condition items. We are happy to allow people to save our images for personal use, but

lately we have seen ebay sellers using our images and representing themselves as though they

took the image and it is reflective of the condition their item is in. We're not cool with that...so we

wish to watermark our all of images as soon as they are uploaded in the admin pannel.


It is my belief that the modification would go somewhere in the catagories.php page within the

admin directory, but that file is fairly complicated bit of code. If someone could perhaps direct

me to a location where images go from being uploaded to being saved, I beleive that is where

I would add in my code. I am not sure if updating an existing item would be covered in the same



Any help that can be provided would be great. I have been running the site for around a year

and never asked questions here when I innitially set up the site so I am a new member on the

forums...so I am not a novice per se...However, in the last 12 or so months, I have only

needed to do minor updates so I have grown out of touch with the meat and potatoes code. This

seemed to be worth asking though so I am not pulled out my hair looking for the right lines in

my files when someone here may have a quick answer. For all I know I am not even looking

in the right file.


I know I have modified my catagories.php file already, but if I have a general idea where to look

as images are being uploaded, I should be able to work this into my code even if my file was

changed in that area due to an installed mod.


I'll be happy to give away whatever code is developed for community useage. Its nothing too

out of the ordinary (gd library merging of images with a watermark.png), but I haven't seen a

mod yet that automatticly watermarks as images are uploaded and destroys the unmarked

original. My purpose is for something of a niche market, but I am glad to share if it helps someone

else protect their images.

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