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quick question


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Quick question I have a couple of problems in terms of placement of a contribution.

How can i shift this left?? As you see its just off to the right.




and also this one below is in the right place i think, but its too narrow....how can i make it to the width of the picture below. I can't find the code that makes it wider.




Thanks sooo much! :)

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The top one and the bottom one look like they could have an empty cell to the left. The space in both images looks roughly equal. You could jump into the code and start turning borders on, that way you will see if there is a cell to the left of the boxes or if it is an alignment issue. Just look for where is says

<table border="0"> and change it to border="1".


The width of the second box might be set by the BOX_WIDTH definition, as it looks roughly equal to the left column. Look through the code for BOX_WIDTH, if you see it anywhere other than for the left column, try using a fixed width or add to the BOX_WIDTH. i.e. BOX_WIDTH+50;


This is all guessing but somewhere to start looking.

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Sorted it!

define('BOX_WIDTH', 125); // how wide the boxes should be in pixels (default: 125)


define('BOX_WIDTH', 0); // how wide the boxes should be in pixels (default: 125)


Thanks so much!

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Was the BOX_WIDTH the rogue cell then?


I dunno. I just changed that one value and hey presto everything realigned and filled the gap for all bad pages.

But do you know how I could fix this....on the checkout_payment page only my footer has shifted to the left not staying in the centre as shown below. Any clues why? what code would shift it to one side?



Thanks again for your help! :lol:

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Shouldn't be a problem then. Use a file compare tool like WinMerge and compare the code in the broken page to one that works. You should be able to see what difference there is in the way the footer is placed.

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