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Change Directory


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Is there a way for me to quickly/easily change the directory for my OSCommerce installation? When it was installed it installed to ...\html\osc\index.php. However, I want to move the folder to the root of my website so the directory is ...\html\index.php. I moved all the files and folders out of the OSC directory and can bring up the admin/index.php page...but any links still point to files in the OSC directory. I'm not sure where I need to go to change this and have it look in the right place now. Is there a way to make this change across oscommerce...or is it too much of a hassle to even mess with?


Any questions let me know. Thanks in advance...



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its all in the includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php files. Change the references there and you're all good to go. As a final check, on Dreamweaver, I would do a search for osc\ and see if this pulls up any results.


Is there a way for me to quickly/easily change the directory for my OSCommerce installation? When it was installed it installed to ...\html\osc\index.php. However, I want to move the folder to the root of my website so the directory is ...\html\index.php. I moved all the files and folders out of the OSC directory and can bring up the admin/index.php page...but any links still point to files in the OSC directory. I'm not sure where I need to go to change this and have it look in the right place now. Is there a way to make this change across oscommerce...or is it too much of a hassle to even mess with?


Any questions let me know. Thanks in advance...



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  • 4 months later...

I've run into a similar problem except this one is a bit more mysterious than the average configure.php fix.


I did the same thing, changed folders (or copied rather) and then changed the configure.php files in both html/includes and html/admin/includes. But for some extremely odd reason, my front end of the shop still references itself to the old directory. I cant figure it out how its possibly still referencing there as the configure.php files have been changed.


Anyway, I'm basically pleading for help if someone knows the solution.







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I guess after you've spent a few days of trying to figure out a problem, you post a "help me" message and then you figure it out right away. Something in the line of "Murphy's Law".


Anyway, this was an easy fix. I had Ultimate SEO installed, and with it you have a .htaccess file that has some rewrite rules attached to it. Well, one of them was still referencing the old site, hence the weirdness.


Just wanted to share if anyone stumbles across a similar problem.





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  • 2 years later...

I'm having trouble with this as well. I've already changed the directory in both my configure.php files, but all the photos and CSS still reference the old directory. There doesn't appear to be anything in the htaccess file.


Any other suggestions?

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