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"Whats New" display change


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Hi folks,


I'm having to redo my site after moving hosts and a bunch of my files getting corrupted (take my advice and do a migration yourself rather than rely on a hosting company to do it for you if you ever move!).


Ive managed to get a fair way through after reading my old notes, but I'm stuck with one particular item that i don't have any notes for.


If you take a look at the front page here : www.toptiara.com and look at the display in the new products box, the display is different from that of standard OSC, with a picture, description, view more information, price and buy it now button.


Now, I know that in the admin I had the option to switch this display from rows to columns, but I can't for the life of me remember what I did (or what contribution I may have used) to get this added in to my admin section.


Can anbody help me please?




Hand made jewellery and tiaras on our website


Please bear with me. Im an osC noobie!

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