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How do I update?


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I'm getting an error when I open my newsletter manager so I searched the forum and found that I needed to update to the latest oscommerce. My concern is that I cant find any documentation on how to update. Do I have to simply upload 'everything'? I would imagine that a move like that would overwrite any changes Ive made to my site right? I appreciate any advice.





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You can download it here!



Ausgirl, thanks for the link. I saw your reply to another thread and thats where I got the update from last time. My question is how do I update once I have the download?





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I just posted the answer to this. Dont know where it went, or do you have 2 threads the same? Tis a bit confusing :wacko:


The file you downloaded is the full updated osc stock. Inside that you will see a file either called update Patch osc-060817 or Update osc-060817 (has been awhile since I updated) just follow the instructions in that file, its just adding & changing code. If your store is modified it wont effect your modifications. If its not modified and fairly new just upload the new files over your excisting files.

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I just posted the answer to this. Dont know where it went, or do you have 2 threads the same? Tis a bit confusing :wacko:


The file you downloaded is the full updated osc stock. Inside that you will see a file either called update Patch osc-060817 or Update osc-060817 (has been awhile since I updated) just follow the instructions in that file, its just adding & changing code. If your store is modified it wont effect your modifications. If its not modified and fairly new just upload the new files over your excisting files.


Thanks so much mate

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