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I am going bug eyed and checking all the folders and files in circles. For something so simple it is hard to believe I got this far.


I looked in login.php; index. php, english.php- I have been in and out of the language folders. Can someone please rescue me?


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Has it got HEADER_TEXT or is it HEADING_TITLE?


It says HEADER_TEXT which is so strange....I did view source, but did not know how to interpret it. Would you mind looking at too? www.eshesleepsets.com/shop

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It says HEADER_TEXT which is so strange....I did view source, but did not know how to interpret it. Would you mind looking at too? www.eshesleepsets.com/shop


i saw php? HEADER_TEXT somewhere- do i put my text in 'single quotes'?

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i saw php? HEADER_TEXT somewhere- do i put my text in 'single quotes'?



:-" yup- that's what i needed to do there. changed to 'log in' with quotes and it worked. I had been trying without the quote and got the blank page before. Thanks!

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Glad you have that fixed but you still have some issues. You need to scroll down the page to see the start of it. At first, I thought the page hadn't loaded. I think you need to go into your includes/header.php and clean the code up a bit, as there are unclosed <td> and <table> tags. There is also a <body> tag in there you don't need.


Make a copy of header.php so you can get back to the point you are at now, if things go wrong and try to clean it up. That may solve the scrolling issue. There is also a call for another stylesheet there, that should go into the <head> of your root level files.


Nice looking site though.....you're nearly there!

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Glad you have that fixed but you still have some issues. You need to scroll down the page to see the start of it. At first, I thought the page hadn't loaded. I think you need to go into your includes/header.php and clean the code up a bit, as there are unclosed <td> and <table> tags. There is also a <body> tag in there you don't need.


Make a copy of header.php so you can get back to the point you are at now, if things go wrong and try to clean it up. That may solve the scrolling issue. There is also a call for another stylesheet there, that should go into the <head> of your root level files.


Nice looking site though.....you're nearly there!

Thanks very much for that feedback! I will work on these issues this evening! And thanks for the compliment...what a very long journey for this newbie!

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Ah, it just makes the result all the more sweeter.


Good luck!



Hi Spax...do you have Firefox? I have had three people with Firefox tell me they are having trouble viewing my site. They all said what you said. That it loads at the bottom. Also they cannot view any products. So I was wondering if you had Firefox too or if it was another browser I should look out for as well? I have been working so much I haven't had a chance to follow your advice yet (I will tonight).

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