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The e-commerce.

adding whats new catagory


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Can anyone point me in the right direction for what i want to do,

At the moment, to show what products i have added by date customers need to click on the small arrow in my "whats new" box.

Can anyone tell me how to add a link to my categories box which would open up the same page.(so i can call it "products by date").

hope someone knows what i mean



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If you look in the whats_new.php infobox code you will see that the infobox heading has a link function:




The tep_href_link function takes the filename as the first argument and forms a relative link. You can find the tep_href_function in inlcudes/functions/html_output.php. You can also find a list of filenames that you can use in includes/filenames.php


You can use it in a regular anchor like so:


<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_NEW, '', 'NONSSL');?>">Products by Date</a>


We pass two more arguments because we need to generate a non-secure link (no point in using SSL for a products page).

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  • 7 months later...

Hi, this was indeed interesting! :)


I have a variation:


I need to have "What's New" as a category. When clicked it displays the usual "Whats New" in the main area.

When clicked again, it disappears in the display returns to what it was before.


I need this in the shop Visit My Website


Since I am a designer and not a coder... I need help. Are you the man to assit me?

I would be so greatful.


Happy Holidays!



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