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The e-commerce.

How Or Where Do I Upload Images?


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I'm very new to osCommerce. My website is created in Frontpage, & hosted by BlueHost. I've installed osCommerce and progressed to the point that I don't know what my next step should be. When I try to add a picture of the product, I get a message that the file has not been uploaded, but I can't seem to find a button or instructions on where to save it or upload to. Should I try to upload first to my Frontpage web, or to the server - and how? Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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I'm very new to osCommerce. My website is created in Frontpage, & hosted by BlueHost. I've installed osCommerce and progressed to the point that I don't know what my next step should be. When I try to add a picture of the product, I get a message that the file has not been uploaded, but I can't seem to find a button or instructions on where to save it or upload to. Should I try to upload first to my Frontpage web, or to the server - and how? Any help would be greatly appreciated!




It sounds to me like the permissions are set incorrectly download an ftp program like ace ftp and connect to your site. Then goto catlaog and right click on images select properties and set the permissions to 775, all boxes apart from world (everyone) write.


Hope that helps

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It sounds to me like the permissions are set incorrectly download an ftp program like ace ftp and connect to your site. Then goto catlaog and right click on images select properties and set the permissions to 775, all boxes apart from world (everyone) write.


Hope that helps


Thanks, but it didn't work. I'll keep trying.

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Just a though you are actualy selecting a picture to upload in the products image field aren't you?

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Hello Marie


Some hosts require that images folder be set to 777


If this is the case, change the permissions but remember to change it back when your done.

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