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Issues with @aol.com email users


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First off, we NEVER spam people but some how our email has been blocked by AOL.COM.


If a customer sends me an email using an aol.com account, I get it, but I cant reply. I get a response from AOL saying my email has been blocked.


I've put a huge notice on the front of my webpage that AOL users need to use another email address but they still use there damn aol email.


Problem is I can't reply with order updates, etc. So I get customers bitching that we dont reply.


Is there a way to block a customer from using an aol.com? Like dis-allow a customer from using AOL all together and then notify them to use something else?

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Yeah, customers don't read. I wish AOL would just die.


Anyways, you could code the user registration to prevent users from using an aol.com email during signup, but I think you would probably loose alot of customers that way.


I think it would be better to register a gmail account and use that email address to contact your aol customers. Alot of extra work? Yep, but do you want the customers or not, that's what it comes down to.

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