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Non-US customer unable to access site


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My site went live last week and my US customers are able to access the web site without problem. However, all of my non-US customers are encountering the same error listed below:


Warning: main(includes/languages/.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /web/osc/includes/application_top.php on line 286


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'includes/languages/.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/pkg/php-4.4.2/lib/php') in /web/osc/includes/application_top.php on line 286


Line 286 in /web/osc.includes/application_top.php is:


require(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '.php');



My site as you can see from the error message was developed under the directory structure of /web/osc/ rather then under the web directory as that is how my ISP set up the account. I have an index.php file in the web directory that redirects customers to the /web/osc/index.php file and I have learned that I can also do this through the .htaccess file. Any suggestions on why all of my non-US and non-english speaking customers are encountering this error? Thanks.



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you should check your language settings. Do you have other languages installed from your osc admin but you don't provide the string files? Things like that.

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you should check your language settings. Do you have other languages installed from your osc admin but you don't provide the string files? Things like that.


Thanks for the suggestion but I am not aware what a string file is. I do have the two additional languages: german and espanol that came with the base osCommerce product installed as well as I installed the french files, etc. They were added through the admin function and all of the files are cataloged under /osc/includes/languages/language plus the companion file file in the languages folder above it. I also developed a companion english folder english_gbp for UK english and formatting. I do not have the other languages and their folders under the admin folder as that is only for administration, as I understood, and I am only administering my site in english.


I look forward to your reply about string files. Thanks.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the suggestion but I am not aware what a string file is. I do have the two additional languages: german and espanol that came with the base osCommerce product installed as well as I installed the french files, etc. They were added through the admin function and all of the files are cataloged under /osc/includes/languages/language plus the companion file file in the languages folder above it. I also developed a companion english folder english_gbp for UK english and formatting. I do not have the other languages and their folders under the admin folder as that is only for administration, as I understood, and I am only administering my site in english.


I look forward to your reply about string files. Thanks.



The problem was that somehow the default language was no longer checked. Once I checked, in my case English, as the default language the problem was resolved. Dpcumenting the resolutions others can have as a reference incase they run up against the same problem. :thumbsup:

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