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category listing


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I hope you are all well. I'm looking for some help, advice in customising some elements of oscommerce. I have installed the master products contribution, which works well. However, when i click on a category link it will display all products related to that category, but most of the cateogries i have only have one product. Therefore, it would make more sense to skip the product listing and display the product. I hope this makes sense. I would like to say thanks in advance of any help, comments, suggestions, etc.






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I hope you are all well. I'm looking for some help, advice in customising some elements of oscommerce. I have installed the master products contribution, which works well. However, when i click on a category link it will display all products related to that category, but most of the cateogries i have only have one product. Therefore, it would make more sense to skip the product listing and display the product. I hope this makes sense. I would like to say thanks in advance of any help, comments, suggestions, etc.






I've resolve this problem with the following contribution http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4627



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