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Create New Pages???Still confused how to.......


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Hello everyone out there ......


l am a newbie and l need some help with my inquiry. l have download Os 2.2. My question is :


How do l sucessfully create new page and link it to Top header? What l'm trying to create this - l hope this make sense ....


When at default Top page,when u click-it show ..What's New Here.Welcome guest! Would u like to Log-in yourself etc...l want to delete everything of it content : http://demo.oscommerce.com/

and change that page to a full size image which will inform guest about our company.How can l do that???


And also under Login page-It will get back whatever the previous words from the Top-Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account?and the table from the default Login page : New customer and returning guest format: https://demo.oscommerce.com/login.php


Is this possible ?? l need guidance pleeaaaasssse ............


And all the cartoons? What does it actually called? image button/image icon? Can some one show me the actual words and files that l can replace it with my own image? Or maybe l'm just plain dumb enough to understand???


l truly need some tutorial how can l achieve all this :(


Waiting for further instruction ....


Thank You :-"




For Newbie Like Me, here are the most common things u wanna edit/delete :-------------------------


1) When an order is done, it says your product will be received in 2-4 days. How do I change that?




2) 'This is curently the only shipping method available to use on this order'




3) How do l add New Shipping Zone?




4) Completely disable the Reviews feature?




5) Remove Tell a friend box?




6) Remove products & thier checkboxes under "please notify me of updates to the productsI have selected below" after checking out?




7) Remove osCommerce gif




8) Remove Powered by Oscommerce




9) Removing "add comments about your order" box




10) Removing the newsletter subscription






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Hello everyone out there ......


l am a newbie and l need some help with my inquiry. l have download Os 2.2. My question is :


How do l sucessfully create new page and link it to Top header? What l'm trying to create this - l hope this make sense ....


When at default Top page,when u click-it show ..What's New Here.Welcome guest! Would u like to Log-in yourself etc...l want to delete everything of it content : http://demo.oscommerce.com/

and change that page to a full size image which will inform guest about our company.How can l do that???


And also under Login page-It will get back whatever the previous words from the Top-Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account?and the table from the default Login page : New customer and returning guest format: https://demo.oscommerce.com/login.php


Is this possible ?? l need guidance pleeaaaasssse ............


And all the cartoons? What does it actually called? image button/image icon? Can some one show me the actual words and files that l can replace it with my own image? Or maybe l'm just plain dumb enough to understand???


l truly need some tutorial how can l achieve all this :(


Waiting for further instruction ....


Thank You :-"

For Newbie Like Me, here are the most common things u wanna edit/delete :-------------------------


1) When an order is done, it says your product will be received in 2-4 days. How do I change that?




2) 'This is curently the only shipping method available to use on this order'




3) How do l add New Shipping Zone?




4) Completely disable the Reviews feature?




5) Remove Tell a friend box?




6) Remove products & thier checkboxes under "please notify me of updates to the productsI have selected below" after checking out?




7) Remove osCommerce gif




8) Remove Powered by Oscommerce




9) Removing "add comments about your order" box




10) Removing the newsletter subscription





Well Done .... l give ya :thumbsup:


l have some inquiry also about no.9.(Removing "add comments about your order" box)


And maybe someone could explain ... Do customer actually write and use that? Are they really useful-l was wondering??? l havent decide to delete or use it yet but could we somehow change the words add comment to Our own desire words instead and block the words preventing customer to add/edit it- Just for them to read for further information on each pages? l'm curious and anxious on this?

l was thinking, if customer have inquiry or comment or complain- then they should fill up the Contact Us Column, am l right or .....??? Am l missing something here


Cheers !!!

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Some more reading can be found in the knowledge base...


Thanks Oschellas !!! But that post truly didnt answer my question :huh:


ln File Manager under Admin, if l create new file(page) which l had my image ready-how can l link them to Top which l want it to be the 1st page and the original page(the default Top) to be the second page?? l read from some forum dated in 2005(somehow kinda relate to my question) but l got Parse Error... ( which took me afew days to get it all back) so l'm seeking for further instruction from people out there.


And under what file are the Log-in pages??? l did came across before(which l forget where it is now) and do some editing and refresh it But it still shown the old default Log-in,so maybe thats was not the file and was wondering where the file is????


And under what files are the cartoon icon is All Of Them? So l can comment out ....


And Yes ... it might be so simple & easy kind of question but it hard for newbie like me :o


So Oschellas or people out there ... l need someone whose could show me where are the files located.


Someone please ......



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Each page in your catalog folder has its language defined in includes - languages - yourlanguage - pagename.php (same structure applies to the admin files).


So if you want to change the text on the catalog/login.php page you would have to change the defined text in catalog/includes/yourlanguage/login.php


For example to change the welcome text:

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Welcome, Please Sign In');


can be changed by editing the text as follows:

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Hello there, feel free to sign in!');


Almost all catalog/phppages have a cartoon, in for example the login.php page it is hardcoded like this:

<td class="pageHeading" align="right"><?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_login.gif', HEADING_TITLE, HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ?></td>


You could strip out this code from every page or just delete the cartoon images from the catalog/images folder and set the Admin - Configuration - Images - Image Required to false (no broken picture icon will be shown).

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