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The e-commerce.

Looking for Feedback


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After 3 or 4 unsuccessfull starts, we finally have a store up and running. It still needs a lot of work but I'm looking for feedback. Yes, it did start as a template but not much of the original code is left, just some of the look.


I still need to implement:


A free shipping mod - yes we are doing it, just not sure if it works right now.

Contest - I'm having problems installing the new "competition" mod, the db changes don't seem to want to install correctly

and probably 10 other things I can't think of right now.


I still have a few buttons to change and some css changes to make and any other suggestions that you "great and wize" coders and store owners have for me.


Thanks in advance



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  • 2 weeks later...

No ideas?


I've been staring at this site so long it's all starting to look the same! I'm just not sure what direction to head? I know that I need to implement some SEO but the couple that I've tried have broken some of my links, which ones do you prefer?


Any and all feedback is most appreciated!

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Few things:


- align the text/images where you display multiple products per row, like with this page:


while this one is better



- Use cache/thumbnailers.

- If your host uses a shared ssl, take advantage of it setup your configure.php to use it.

- Increase the margins left/right of the pages as some of them like:


where the buttons are very close to the right edge of the page. Same happens with some of the boxes on the left.

- Fix the html errors (http://validator.w3.org) you have plenty.

- If you go for seo links better do it early, as link changes can affect your current ranking. There is a variety of seo contributions you can check btw.

- Integrate the main site with oscommerce, will be easier to maintain and offers better seo. Right now the top links point to a different domain.

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- align the text/images where you display multiple products per row, like with this page:


while this one is better


Agreed and I'm working on it slowly. Although I have control over all the images, I didn't upload them all. The shoes, tees and other images that are uniform are pictures that I took, others like videos were uploaded by someone else. I'm slowly re-shooting.

- Use cache/thumbnailers.

I'm using cache and had a thumbnailer enabled at one time, I'll have to check on it again.

- If your host uses a shared ssl, take advantage of it setup your configure.php to use it.

I am using ssl, did it not appear on the login/checkout pages?

- Increase the margins left/right of the pages as some of them like:


where the buttons are very close to the right edge of the page. Same happens with some of the boxes on the left.

Margins was one of the things that I was having issues with early on. I know I need to revisit it but it is a fairly low priority.

- Fix the html errors (http://validator.w3.org) you have plenty.

Never thought about that

- If you go for seo links better do it early, as link changes can affect your current ranking. There is a variety of seo contributions you can check btw.

Just finished integrating "header tags for novices" this morning. We've been live for a month or so but not getting many hits from google. No SEO is probably why. My site looks ugly to the search engines. Need to find a way to make the index.php look better. All the search engines see is my dropdown of manufacturers.

- Integrate the main site with oscommerce, will be easier to maintain and offers better seo. Right now the top links point to a different domain.

Easier said than done due to the way we upload part of our inventory.


Thanks for looking through my site. Now I've got a few things to work on that I didn't think of. :)

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Your site is really busy. If it were my site, I would clean up the header and make the respective horizontal navigation less instrusive. Also, not emphazising horizontal navigation as you did tends to work better due to the pheonomenon known as 'banner of blindness'.

Best Regards,



Victor Wise

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Your site is really busy. If it were my site, I would clean up the header and make the respective horizontal navigation less instrusive. Also, not emphazising horizontal navigation as you did tends to work better due to the pheonomenon known as 'banner of blindness'.


i would have to agree it looks nice but too much going on and just makes want to click away

its sort of like being at a martket and people trying to sell you this and that right in your face

if you know what i mean lol


the home page is the most important as that were what your customers


but hey you never know hows business


and you have got further than me my website is arwful


have look



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