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FC6 and OSC incredibly slow


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I have Fedora Core 6 installed, with Apache 2.2.4, PHP 5 and MySQL installed.


I am receiving NO errors in httpd logs. I have setup configure.php (both files) as required. When using Firefox the images are either broken or the connection times out.


I checked the properties on the broken images and the correct file is being selected.


Seperate problems?


I am hosting my own site. I have had Apache2triad and OSC running on WinXP and they were actually snappy performers. Same computer for both installations.


I have no idea where to look or what is going on.


Thank you in advance

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I have Fedora Core 6 installed, with Apache 2.2.4, PHP 5 and MySQL installed.


I am receiving NO errors in httpd logs. I have setup configure.php (both files) as required. When using Firefox the images are either broken or the connection times out.


I checked the properties on the broken images and the correct file is being selected.


Seperate problems?


I am hosting my own site. I have had Apache2triad and OSC running on WinXP and they were actually snappy performers. Same computer for both installations.


I have no idea where to look or what is going on.


Thank you in advance


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