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The e-commerce.

E-mail form


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My E-mail form doesn't seem to send out the messages. Can someone let me know what the settings are in the admin area.


I have set all 3 that I found to: [email protected], the email of the site. But when emailing myself to check it I never did receive any of them.


Also, is there a way to change the osCommerce in the heading, to Allen's Internet Mall.


And, where do imput the text on the shipping, etc. pages?



Samuel B. Allen

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I figured out the heading thing. - - > Now does anyone know how to change the with wording at the top, to black, blue or some color that can be seen by a blind man. (white wording against a grayist background! ?)


Also, would like to change the white catalog link to say home.

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I figured out the heading thing. - - > Now does anyone know how to change the white wording at the top, to black, blue or some color that can be seen by a blind man. (white wording against a grayist background! ?)


Also, would like to change the white catalog link to say home.

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