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HELP! I have an order, but I don't know what it is


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I just looked at my Paypal account and a customer has paid for an item. All of the info is there except what the item is!!

I haven't received an email that I have a sale and there are no orders showing anywhere on my admin site.

I don't want to email this guy and look like an idiot "thanks for your money. UH by the way...what did you order?"


Please help!!!

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Unfortunately, that is what you will have to do. What you describe is a common problem with the stock paypal module. Install the paypal IPN one to prevent it from happening again. But there is no hope for this one.



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But shouldn't something in my basic OsCommerce setup say that I have an order? What I have is a basic install only a few color changes.

If I hadn't checked my PayPal account, I never would have known that there was an order.

I don't think this is a paypal error, it looks like an OSC error...

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But shouldn't something in my basic OsCommerce setup say that I have an order? What I have is a basic install only a few color changes.

If I hadn't checked my PayPal account, I never would have known that there was an order.

I don't think this is a paypal error, it looks like an OSC error...


Sorry Susan it is not an error of osc (Although it shouldn't have been designed that way ;) )


What happens is when your customer goes to paypal to pay for the goods the order table in the database is not updated with the order. This happens when the customer returns to the store. If they close the window or go to a site other than yours after payment is complete the order is not inserted in your store orders section


What Jack is suggesting is to install the Paypal IPN (IPN Stands for Instant Payment Notification). This inserts the order into the order table in the database so if the previous happens the order is logged - Make sense?


The master password is a good idea for this order





Mark A Reynolds

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Sorry Susan it is not an error of osc (Although it shouldn't have been designed that way ;) )


What happens is when your customer goes to paypal to pay for the goods the order table in the database is not updated with the order. This happens when the customer returns to the store. If they close the window or go to a site other than yours after payment is complete the order is not inserted in your store orders section


What Jack is suggesting is to install the Paypal IPN (IPN Stands for Instant Payment Notification). This inserts the order into the order table in the database so if the previous happens the order is logged - Make sense?


The master password is a good idea for this order




I have the same problem, (and I didn't know it untill I read this thread)! But I have one question for anyone please. When I go to install paypal IPN it asks me for a url that it will use to notify me on?? Can anyone please tell me in layman speak what this means? What address do I type in?


Thanks in advance.

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I have the same problem, (and I didn't know it untill I read this thread)! But I have one question for anyone please. When I go to install paypal IPN it asks me for a url that it will use to notify me on?? Can anyone please tell me in layman speak what this means? What address do I type in?


Thanks in advance.


I have the same problem. Which URL to you right? Is it the URL that takes you to the Order module in admin? Somebody must know!



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  • 2 months later...


always happens 2 us newbies

july 11, guess its way 2 late 2 help but im sure more ppl are gonna stuff up like us


problem: you receive the money via paypal, but you don;t know the order:


Temporary solution:

if u dont intend to use a master pwd:


download your sql file, (Tools>backup database>download(Carefull) )

open it with excel so that data is easy to manage,


from the database, note the 'customer id' of the customer who ordered>>>'insert into customers' field


find this field:

insert into customers_basket (customers_basket_id, customers_id, products_id, customers_basket_quantity, final_price, customers_basket_date_added) values ('1212', '15', '393', '1', NULL, '271276822212');



say customer id is 15 as above,

you will have multiple lines of 15 with different products,

note 'products_id' of all those lines and match with your product.


in the end, total em products up and tally the amount you received


U r done this time, download hold order for paypal module

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always happens 2 us newbies

july 11, guess its way 2 late 2 help but im sure more ppl are gonna stuff up like us


problem: you receive the money via paypal, but you don;t know the order:


Temporary solution:

if u dont intend to use a master pwd:


download your sql file, (Tools>backup database>download(Carefull) )

open it with excel so that data is easy to manage,


from the database, note the 'customer id' of the customer who ordered>>>'insert into customers' field


find this field:

insert into customers_basket (customers_basket_id, customers_id, products_id, customers_basket_quantity, final_price, customers_basket_date_added) values ('1212', '15', '393', '1', NULL, '271276822212');

say customer id is 15 as above,

you will have multiple lines of 15 with different products,

note 'products_id' of all those lines and match with your product.


in the end, total em products up and tally the amount you received


U r done this time, download hold order for paypal module

Much easier to install the pending order email contrib.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Much easier to install the pending order email contrib.

We have the same problem...i don't know how to install anything but have figured out that the items show up in the unsold cart. If I have an item that needed a color choice or such, I contact the customer. My web designer says there is now way to fix this. Apparently that is another issue we need to talk about.

Thanks for starting the thread.

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I have this very same problem, and am glad its not just me who has not thought they were going round the twist! I'll try installing Paypal IPN



Sorry Susan it is not an error of osc (Although it shouldn't have been designed that way ;) )


Not sure how someone can say its not an error of OSC - if an order from the ecommerce site isn't showing then how is this not an error of OSC's???

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I have the same problem. Which URL to you right? Is it the URL that takes you to the Order module in admin? Somebody must know!




I you can leave this blank in your paypal IPN settings. The payment module - paypal IPN passes the IPN url during checkout. If you do need the url we use /checkout_process.php, meaning https://YOURSECUREURLHERE.COM/checkout_process.php


Also i advise that you read the intructions in the paypal IPN download - they prob speak to this directly.

Best Regards,


Salvatore Iozzia


Loaded Commerce - Oscommerce - All Loaded Up.

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OK, I thought the Paypal IPN was already included - but it isn't is it - obviously thinking about another software program that does include it, something else you've gotta go away and find and then figure out when it doesn't work :rolleyes:


Dunno about anyone else, but I'm finding OSC to be a real ballache at the moment.... it really isn't for the feinthearted who want to get on and use an online shop is it?? It seems to be more for those who want an online shop they can tinker with constantly :( :( :(

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have this very same problem, and am glad its not just me who has not thought they were going round the twist! I'll try installing Paypal IPN

Not sure how someone can say its not an error of OSC - if an order from the ecommerce site isn't showing then how is this not an error of OSC's???


Simple. It's because Paypal does not send the information back to your database. That's why you need to install the IPN (Instant Paymet Notification) module. This will cure the problem. :thumbsup:

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