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Index Path file


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I have uploaded the whole catalog file to my server.


So to get to the index.php file I have to write:




(I guess I could only have uploaded the contents of the catalog folder, but I wanted to keep things clean at the upper level)


My question is this. Is there a way to make some kind of a path file on the upper level of my site, so that when pointing to:




would open





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You can put a permanent redirect into your document root, using .htaccess but if you are going to do that, why not put the osC files there?



Can you please be so kind as to tell me how to do this?

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Sure but I would recommend moving files to root instead.


Create a file and name it .htaccess no other name, just .htaccess. If you can't create a file with just an extension, name it anything.htaccess and once it is uploaded, rename it to just .htaccess


In .htaccess, put this:


Redirect permanent /index.php http://www.your_domain.com/catalog/index.php


Obviously change your_domain.com to your domain. Upload it to your document root.


If you already have a .htaccess file in your document root, just add the above code to the bottom of it. If you are on a Windows server, you can't use .htaccess.

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