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Error in going to the correct page


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Hi all,


I just made some modifications, including added "Login Box" and "Ultimate SEO" contribution but since then I have problem,

Every time I go to the catalog;



and I click on any product or category, new product or Quick Find rather than going to that page it goes to the LOG IN page?!!!

.... but if I click again on it, it will go to the correct page. This happens randomly, some times it doesn't happen but normally it happens when I visit the directory for first time.


Any idea PLEASE?!

Here is the sites;



By the way can I add tep_href_link function to category and subcategory, What I mean is that I want to have a link to each category and subcategory in the main page where the main text goes. I have already done that with Hard-linking but is there an easier or better way?


P.S. I have asked this previously in other forum but haven't received much help!


Many thanks in advance


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Every time I go to the catalog;




Here is the sites;





Any one please, I am desperate, Any idea why some times when I click on a category, subcategory, products, etc it goes to LOGIN page rather than to the correct address?

It seems to redirect it incorrectly?

You help is much appreciated.

Many thanks


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