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Catagory page will not load


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I’m trying to work with the existing code… HOWEVER


When I click an item from the left side (e.g. categories) it reloads the initial or original page. The only thing I changed was removing the text from middle column (What’s new here…) and replaced it with a picture with an attached link.




I tried copying the initial index page before I made any changes, and renaming it to Index-1a (adding the “-1a” to the end of the “index” file) so when clicked it gets an untouched index page and assigning it to the <href http://mystore.com/osc/catalog/index-1a..php?cPath=21 What I get is an intro untouched paged rather than the categories.


I guess my question has two parts:


1. What is the parameter being passed to call up the category page?

2. What could have possibly changed from the text from the center column that would have caused the page not to respond or load the page?




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