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The e-commerce.

Brand New to OsCommerce, please HELP!


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Our small business doesn't have anyone knowledgeable about PHP code.


We recently had to migrate from bCentral and have uploaded all of our old webpages to a new host as well as

the .csv product into the SQL database at our new server.


What we don't know is how to use oscommerce and where to recode the old href's to go.

I can't even find a shopping cart anywhere, and our host sold us a "business plan" that was supposed to have such easy

things as oscommerce. I am sure I must be missing something because just moving the site has been overwhelming.


Microsoft bCentral used to handle the code to send to Linkpoint for processing our orders.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


I just need a simple new shopping cart with oscommerce/php? scripts/modules? or whatever I need so we can just finish recoding all of the old webpages with a simple find/replace to update the new destination.


Thank you.



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Either your new hosts meant that their servers were suitable for running osCommerce (in which case you have to actually install it yourself), or else they provide something like Fantastico or Ensim Power Tools which will install osCommerce for you - but in either case you actually have to use the installer.


There's no point in uploading a cvs file into a blank database unless you have first set up your osCommerce website with its database.



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