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Froogle submit file format - I'm having probs with it

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I generated and submitted a text file to Froogle about six weeks ago, had an error, got that sorted and that went okay.


I've generated a fresh file and tried to submit it, first it came back saying something to the effect of 'invalid' currency. I think I corrected that and tried again. Now it doesn’t matter what file I submit (all with the same original file name) it comes back and says

Bulk upload failed. No items are live. There are too many formatting errors in your file. - help
I've even tried submitting the original good file (from the time it worked) from last time and get the same error! I've obviously done something strange or stupid, so don't be afraid to remind me of any basics that I may have missed!


Lets start with basics, here is my first row

product_url name description price image_url category offer_id instock brand product_id product_type currency

Can anyone see any problems with my header row (all fields TAB separated)?


Do I need to include a header field, if I'm not using that field for all my products?


As mentioned earlier I had an error message about the currency, for which I had been using 'GBP' for the currency field. Can someone confirm I've used the correct abbreviation please?



Thanks in advance for any help :)



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I've stripped my file down to 3 products and removed a few cols from the table. Done a fresh upload and it still returns as a failure


Outcome: Bulk upload failed. No items are live. There are too many formatting errors in your file. - help

Number of items processed: 0

Number of items succeeded: 0

Number of active items: 0

Uploaded at: 5 May 2007 11:30pm BST

Processed at: 5 May 2007 11:31pm BST



Error Bad data Line #

Disapproved - help

Before uploading, I've opened my text file in Notepad and saved, in order (hopefully) to remove any strange formating (the files have been saved in Excel as a tab delimited text file). So this is the sort of file format I'm left with


product_url	name	price	image_url	offer_id	brand	product_id	product_type
http://www.mystore.co.uk/store/product_info.php/products_id/893	Pure Sine Wave Inverters 12V 150W	98.66	http://www.mystore.co.uk/store/images/_smallpursineinverter01.jpg	ABC00078	Top Power Products	ABC00078	OTHER
http://www.mystore.co.uk/store/product_info.php/products_id/893	Pure Sine Wave Inverters 12V 150W	98.66	http://www.mystore.co.uk/store/images/_smallpursineinverter01.jpg	ABC00078	Top Power Products	ABC00078	OTHER
http://www.mystore.co.uk/store/product_info.php/products_id/896	Pure Sine Wave Inverters 24V 150W	98.66	http://www.mystore.co.uk/store/images/_smallpursineinverter01.jpg	ABC00138	Top Power Products	ABC00138	OTHER

I'm hoping the guy's at google will see the loads of duff uploads I've had and give me some pointers, but just incase they don't, can anyone offer any guidence please?



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Froogle is free, and as such, I guess it is run by a bunch of US high school pupils (or its equivalence), who think (or pretend to) they know better than you and make judgments based on their poor knowledge. A while ago, I remember they insisted you must have VAT info in your submission without knowing that, in the UK, unless your business turn over is above a certain threshold, you do not have to register with VAT, in other words, VAT is an option not a must have info. It really irritated me. So, what I can say is if you got a problem with froogle, then don't bother with it.

Sorry, I can help you with your problem, just a share of similar experience, perhaps.



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