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new install, checkout shipping, paypal problems


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This is a new install with a new installer (me). Sorry if this has been asked (a dozen times) before.


I have put in a couple of items, added to my cart, went through checkout, and there are no shipping options other than "Best Way", even though I have defined several shipping options. Then, when I get to payment information, all I get is "PAYMENT METHOD> This is currently the only payment method available to use on this order", and I cannot check paypal or cc or cod or anything. Plus I cannot get any further since it still wants payment information. Nothing is clickable in the "Payment Method" section.



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If you give all payment modules the same Sort Order then that is all you will see.


Edit them so that they have Sort Orders of 1,2 and 3 and all should then show up.



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Thanks for the reply. I had the sort orders set already to 10, 20, 30 (so that I could change my mind without having to resort everything), but I went back and edited them down to 1, 2, 3. Still no change - no payment options available. I also edited the shipping options (Flat Rate and Table Rate) to also have 1, 2 sort orders... still nothing!


If you give all payment modules the same Sort Order then that is all you will see.


Edit them so that they have Sort Orders of 1,2 and 3 and all should then show up.



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