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Changing display size of pages


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I'm trying to change the displayed size of pages so they don't go all the way across the screen.


In includes/header.php I've added the following at the start:

<table width="760" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">




and in includes/footer.php I've added the following at the end:





but doing this makes the page even bigger than the screen - none of the text is wrapped, for example.


I just can't see why this wouldn't work!


My browser is Maxthon v1.5.9 (same in IE6) and my O/S is Windows XP SP2, fully patched.


Any suggestions?



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Thanks - it didn't, but the fact that it did exactly the same told me the problem was elsewhere. it turned out to be an 1871 width "invisible" banner image that someone else had added. Grrr!


I've used the css method above, as it's a bit more sophisticated than mine :-)




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