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AutoLogon Contribution


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I would really like to implement an autologin feature so I can safely store what people have in their carts for weeks. I've tried using the contribution autologon but couldn't get it to work, and it seems that a lot of people are having problems with it, see this thread for more details. If I was smart enough I would fix it, but i've tried with no success.


Is there another Auto Logon Contribution that works? If not I would like to humbly put in a request for someone smarter than me to possibly fix this contribution.


Thank You!



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  • 4 weeks later...
I would really like to implement an autologin feature so I can safely store what people have in their carts for weeks. I've tried using the contribution autologon but couldn't get it to work, and it seems that a lot of people are having problems with it, see this thread for more details. If I was smart enough I would fix it, but i've tried with no success.


Is there another Auto Logon Contribution that works? If not I would like to humbly put in a request for someone smarter than me to possibly fix this contribution.


Thank You!



Yeah, this one is a real pain in the butt. Do not bother with it.

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