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paypal problems


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i have a no shipping charge on paypal anyone know what the problem is


Quantity Price


Subtotal: £0.00 GBP

Postage & Packing: £0.00 GBP


now the check out is in us dollars, (solved this bit)


someone must be able to help, a few people have asked in here, and i still can not find a solution.



solved the checkout in dollars, anyone know why it stills send me to paypal with out filling in price or postage??

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also installed paypal ipn module


it says


// Version 1.5b



iSolutions Plus osCommerce/PayPal IPN Gateway


Installation Instructions Version 1.5b



1. Create a subdirectory 'paypalipn' in your catalog subdirectory:

ie., /htdocs/catalog/paypalipn/


2. Unzip the contents of the paypalipn-1.5b.zip to the newly created paypalipn

directory using folder names.


3. There are two files that you will need to modify


a. isp_global_config-dist.php


In this file, you will need to modify the 'default' values; numbered 1-6. If

you wish to use multiple configurations, you may also change the values for

the other configurations. Be sure to rename it as isp_global_config.php when



now where is my answer to this

// 1. This is the domain name, user_name and user_password of the MySql Server.

$this->AConfig['default']['mysql_host_name'] = "yourmysqlserver";

$this->AConfig['default']['mysql_user_name'] = "mysql_username";

$this->AConfig['default']['mysql_user_password'] = "mysql_userpassword";


? im lost there


and here also



4. Install the proper tables


a. Open phpMyAdmin select your osCommerce 'catalog' database.

b. Open the SQL tab.

c. Browse for the file paypalipn_build_tables.sql. Should be in



dont have a phpadmin do i??

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you should. if you dont, then ask you host, and if they don't then change to another host that does.

it can be accessed via control panel, eg, cpanel, ensim etc.



commercial support - unProtected channel, not to be confused with the forum with same name - open to everyone who need some professional help: either PM/email me, or go to my website (URL can be found in my profile).

over 20 years of computer programming experience.

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Now found the phpadmin thanks to some help.


anyone anything on paypal, im finding hard to believe that 1405 people browsed this forum in past 60mins and no one know answer.

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