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Help: Need additional database seperate from main


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Due to issues with the existing database (webhost only allows 1 user account to access the database with limits on number of questions which is a problem when I have americans visiting visiting as compared to australians (100 to 1 and climbing so I am hitting the limits sooner at specific points during the day)) I need to set up a site I can funnel excess viewers too but maintain the shopfront for people more likely to buy. Both needing a shared member database.


The aim is to set up two databases (at least), 1 for the primary information and one for member accounts/sessions/shopping cart data (The at least is on the off chance I want to later add a forum, etc)


Both sites will have their own product database (there by protecting the other from collapsing due to exceeding the database limits on the other website) which will be updated from a master database while all user data will be cross-referenced with the second datbase and remain consistent.


Just having problems on where to apply the changes (Hoping someone can help out)


I am looking at...




...and either modifying the connection function or (probably more likely) creating a new function for use at particular points when updating the customer account.


Hopefully someone can help list which files I will need to look at, even better would be if someone can provide an idea on how to do what I need to do without to much trial and error on my part.

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