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USPS function doesn't work

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Is it possible for the USPS module to work without special coding? Has it ever happened?


I am bewildered by Paypal's and the USPS's web building materials. Are all of you programmers? I thought anybody could set up a cart express.


I looked in the archives and found advice to call USPS and have them change my status to live. It still doesn't work.


I put the ID in the password place and it didn't work. Then I took it back out again. It still doesn't work. What now?


If I have to code, what php file would have to be modified?


Please don't laugh...I can't help being computer illiterate!

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Yes, it should work out-of-the-box. If you want anyone to help though, you will need to provide information of how it fails. Saying it doesn't work to me means it doesn't show on your shop. So my first suggestion is to enable it in admin->modules.



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Thank you for replying!


I have enabled the module in admin and obtained my password from USPS. Then, based upon other threads I found in this site, I called USPS and asked them to change my status to LIVE. When I am doing a pretend purchase, both the USPS and UPS choices show, but the USPS choice automatically says that there is an error and if you want to use USPS to contact the store owner. (It does not have a button that you can select).


Other threads here suggested putting the ID in the password field, others said take it out. I have tried it both ways.

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I found this in an August 16, 2006 bug report:


I cannot get USPS to calculate shipping. Why?? I see others are having the same problem- a bug report has been going on since 2004?? Has this ever worked properly? I need help because I have a live sight and there is no shipping being calculated. Please respond with some checks I can do on my end. Thanks


Has anyone found a fix for this since this bug report was made?

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Thank you for replying!


I have enabled the module in admin and obtained my password from USPS. Then, based upon other threads I found in this site, I called USPS and asked them to change my status to LIVE. When I am doing a pretend purchase, both the USPS and UPS choices show, but the USPS choice automatically says that there is an error and if you want to use USPS to contact the store owner. (It does not have a button that you can select).


Other threads here suggested putting the ID in the password field, others said take it out. I have tried it both ways.

I suggest calling them again to verify that you really have been placed on the production server. If so, try Removing and Installing the module again. There isn't a lot that can go wrong with it. As long as it can connect to the server, it should work.



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