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How can I force customer to choose valid shipping option?


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Maybe this is something really simple I missed, but how can I make sure my customer chooses a valid shipping option before they pay and check out completely?


Right now someone from another country may select "UPS Ground" which isn't valid for their country. But they can checkout anyway and the shipping charge is $0.


I need to somehow force the checkout process to have a valid shipping option before continuing.




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You could put a validation on the checkout page so that if shipping is $0 it does not go any further ...


Or, if shipping is $0 it resets the module or makes it disappear when incapable of coming up with a value. Just make sure you have something in there that always appears or have the $0 block on shipping.

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I may be wrong....but it sounds like you need to prevent customers in certain countries from using certain shipping methods. If so, then there isn't any way to do this with OSC.


I wrote some code that allows you to dynamically select the shipping options based on the customers country. If you look through the list archives you should find it somewhere. There was an issue with it possibly not working with more recent snapshots.


We are waiting on the checkout updates to be completed, before releasing a new updated mod to do this.



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