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The e-commerce.

DHL shipping module


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g'day...i have installed the DHL mod onto a clients site, all is going well, except had a question.....

when getting the rates this is what shows


International Express (Est. delivery is 1 business day for < $1600 CAD; 2-3 for >= $1600 CAD)


what is this...

< $1600 CAD; 2-3 for >= $1600 CAD)


the order total was $500 going to a canadian address, cart set up for american currency shipping from the states

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g'day...i have installed the DHL mod onto a clients site, all is going well, except had a question.....

when getting the rates this is what shows


International Express (Est. delivery is 1 business day for < $1600 CAD; 2-3 for >= $1600 CAD)


what is this...

< $1600 CAD; 2-3 for >= $1600 CAD)


the order total was $500 going to a canadian address, cart set up for american currency shipping from the states


This < $1600 CAD informs that delivery will take just 1 business day because the order is under $1600 Canadian Dollars.

This >=£1600 CAD informs that delivery will take between 2 and 3 business days because the order is over $1600 Canadian Dollars.

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