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Delivery Methods... help!


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Hi guys,


Problem with the shipping module of the shop.


I'm using Table Rate for the United Kingdom (my own country). The rates are: 0.1:0.50,1.0:2.00,5.0:8.00, 10.0:16.00

And I'm using a flat rate for the Rest of the World.


Now I've set the UK and Rest of the World up as Countries and Zones and assigned them to the delivery methods. However, when I make a test order, shipping is not added.


Anybody had this problem? Any ideas?



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Hi guys,


Problem with the shipping module of the shop.


I'm using Table Rate for the United Kingdom (my own country). The rates are: 0.1:0.50,1.0:2.00,5.0:8.00, 10.0:16.00

And I'm using a flat rate for the Rest of the World.


Now I've set the UK and Rest of the World up as Countries and Zones and assigned them to the delivery methods. However, when I make a test order, shipping is not added.


Anybody had this problem? Any ideas?



Could be the tax zone assigned to the shipping module.

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