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Customer must agree to Conditions of Use upon checkout "plug-in"?


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Searched through the forums real quick and can not seem to find a "plug-in" that allows us to ensure that in order to place an order on our website the customer MUST check a box that says something along the lines of "I have read and agree to all Conditions of Use" having a link to our Conditions of use page.


If anyone can either help me out in adding that feature to our website or linking me to where I can find the information, that would be greatly appreciated!





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Searched through the forums real quick and can not seem to find a "plug-in" that allows us to ensure that in order to place an order on our website the customer MUST check a box that says something along the lines of "I have read and agree to all Conditions of Use" having a link to our Conditions of use page.


If anyone can either help me out in adding that feature to our website or linking me to where I can find the information, that would be greatly appreciated!






Hello John


I think the following contribution is just what you're after. CLICK HERE

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Hello John


I think the following contribution is just what you're after. CLICK HERE



I will have to check that out and see if it works for us!


Thanks again!

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